Dustin Duncan
When it comes to getting a discount on your auto insurance policy, it's important to remember that little steps can make a big difference. While there are a number of different reasons that your insurance provider will reduce your premium, it's not practical to expect that you'll get a significant rate reduction for simply making one change. Instead, think of a variety of different changes you can make that can combine into a sizeable discount. Need some inspiration to get started? Here are three ideas that can save you a combined 30 percent.
Upgrade Your Tires For Winter
It's certainly possible to get through the winter with all-season tires on your vehicle, but there's little question that changing to snow tires will provide you with greater traction and allow you to stop shorter when needed. Insurance-wise, the benefit of swapping your all-season tires for snow tires is that many insurance providers give you a discount as a reward for being proactive about your safety during winter driving. You can expect to see your insurance premium cut by about five percent, although the number might be slightly different depending on your provider.
Get Certified As A Defensive Driver
You've always considered yourself to be skilled behind the wheel – get certification for your driving ability and you'll have a reward in the form of a rate reduction. Many insurance companies encourage their drivers to enroll in defensive driving programs to stay safer on the road. Beyond being a better driver, the big advantage to graduating from this type of program is a reduction in your insurance rate. You can expect to experience a rate drop of up to 15 percent, although it's common to get a slightly lower reduction if you're a mature adult. Keep in mind, too, that each insurance provider has its own policies regarding the exact discount you'll get.
Install A Security System
Regardless of where you're parked, you can breathe easier knowing that your vehicle is protected with a state-of-the-art security system. You'll be even happier to know that the installation of this anti-theft device can put you in line for a drop in your premium of about 10 percent. Typically, systems that include tracking and other modern features will lead to a greater discount than entry-level systems. As such, it's wise to talk to your insurance agent before you decide on the system you wish to have installed. Additional info can be found here.
Insurance is something that I carry in the hopes that it never has to be used. Along with life coverage, I also have low cost auto insurance and a health plan through my employer. I'm toying with the idea of adding some additional coverage, just in case something happens and I'm no longer around to take care of my family. The question that is on my mind is how much insurance is enough? Do I really need more, or would it be better to cultivate other assets that my loved ones can draw on if needed? If you are in the same boat, let's journey together for a while. Read on and I'll explain what I'm trying and why. Together, we can figure out when it is time to add more coverage and when enough really is enough.