What You Don't Know About Your Auto Insurance Coverage Could Save You Money
Have you checked the details of your auto insurance policy lately? You may be surprised to find out you have more coverage than you think. There are two coverages, in particular, you may not know about without digging deeper. Diminished Value Claim Consumers often don't know they have a right to file a diminished value claim. Even though your insurance company pays for the damages to your vehicle if you're insured, the insurer won't automatically pay you for your vehicle's diminished value following an accident.
Casualty Insurance: Understanding What It Is
The search for insurance seems to be never-ending. Between home, auto, and business insurance, the hunt can really take a toll on your wallet—and your sanity. However, if you want to protect against big financial losses then you will need another insurance: casualty insurance. What Is Casualty Insurance? In general terms, casualty insurance protects you against financial losses should an accident be your fault. Any time you are financially liable for someone else's injury, casualty insurance kicks in and covers you.
2 Types Of Home Insurance You Should Not Skip Out On
If you are buying a home, then getting the right type of coverage for your home can make all of the difference if there are natural disasters. Here are two types of home insurance you should not skip out on even if you have to pay a little more each month. Earthquake Coverage Even if you do not live in an area where earthquakes happen frequently, this does not guarantee that they will not occur in your area.
3 Reasons You Need Life Insurance
Most people know that life insurance is a must. However, there are still many people who go without life insurance. Although it might seem like you won't die anytime soon, you should have it. Here are three reasons that life insurance is the best way to financially care for your family. 1. Life Insurance Is A Pay On Death Policy When you pass away the life insurance will immediately be given to your beneficiaries.
5 Things To Budget For When Buying Your First Home
Buying a home is an exciting prospect. It is an important financial step. When people think about buying a home they are worried about the cost of the mortgage, closing costs and their down payment. However, there are some costs that many people do not consider when buying a home. Make sure you budget for these expenses as you prepare your first home. Home Insurance Home insurance costs more than renter's insurance, but it is a necessity.