When you move from one state to another, your auto insurance is probably the last thing on your mind. However, updating your address with your insurance company is vital. Here are a few things you need to know about making sure you have the right address on file. Changing Your Address May Save You Some Money In some cases, making sure that your insurance company has a correct address on file can actually save you quite a bit of money.
Mobility, in the world of insurance, is about more than just being able to compare quotes online to find the cheapest auto insurance. It creates an atmosphere where customers are actually in control of their policies for the first time. It makes claims processes easiest to handle on the go. Mobility has changed the face of insurance and so far everything has lead to cheaper coverage for everyone. Here's how.
There is no doubt that your vehicle insurance provider has plenty of policy options to choose from—but are you really getting everything you need for a well-rounded policy? Most people have liability, comprehensive, and collision coverage today. It is natural to assume that those types of coverage will provide for you in just about any accident or disaster involving your vehicle. However, there are a couple of little-known types of coverage that you may not have.
In the wake of the recent flash flooding in the state of Texas, many people are starting to take a closer look at their home insurance coverage. Even if you were not impacted by this particular natural disaster, you undoubtedly want to be prepared in case a similar situation happens to you in the future. Although many people assume that a home insurance policy will cover all natural disasters, this isn't always the case.
Having a teenager can be scary, especially during those years when they start driving cars. It is hard to let them start to drive on their own. You never know what accidents may happen or what damage they may cause to themselves or others. Even though this can be a hard time, it is important as parents to let go and give these children a chance to show just how responsible they can be.
Insurance is something that I carry in the hopes that it never has to be used. Along with life coverage, I also have low cost auto insurance and a health plan through my employer. I'm toying with the idea of adding some additional coverage, just in case something happens and I'm no longer around to take care of my family. The question that is on my mind is how much insurance is enough? Do I really need more, or would it be better to cultivate other assets that my loved ones can draw on if needed? If you are in the same boat, let's journey together for a while. Read on and I'll explain what I'm trying and why. Together, we can figure out when it is time to add more coverage and when enough really is enough.